A recreational park finder app

BallOut - Application Project


This project was my first app design project. I was learning how to utilize figma and I was tasked with designing an app. I made this app to help users find local parks and recreation centers available for public use. Some key features are a large GPS map to pinpoint local rec centers, filters for parks with specific courts, and a dark mode.

Design Objective: Design an app that shows local recreation parks for the user.

Logo Blk/White

Main Screen App Logo

Style Tile & User Persona

A small moodboard displaying the chosen typography and direction of project. I also created a user persona from my friend who was willing to help out with the project. He is an athletic person, loves to go outdoors, and play sports with his friends.

Wireframes - Initial Layout Design

This is the original layout design for my wireframes. I want to have a large map as the main screen while little icons on the map pop up, that you can press to see which park suits you the best! Whether it features/lacks basketball courts, tennis courts, or a baseball/soccer field, the app should display all of it.

Final App Design

This is my final design for the application with a working prototype that you can interactively click around in. The application was designed in Figma.

Interactive Design 1


Rebound Fitness - App Design


Redux Project